Macromol Rapid Commun. 2024 Apr 9:e2400136. doi: 10.1002/marc.202400136. Online ahead of print.
In the work, we designed a natural medicine baicalin for the treatment of psoriasis with the aid of hyaluronic acid (HA)-based MNs patches. In order to improve the solubility of baicalin and increase its residence time in infected part, which was made into nanoparticles by complexation with humic acid and Eu2+. The baicalin nanoparticles loaded-MNs exhibited satisfactory rigidity, minimum injury, and controlled drug delivery. The anti-reactive oxygen species (anti-ROS) and anti-inflammatory action were verified by the effective scavenging oxygen and nitrogen radicals. In addition, the loading of baicalin nanoparticles brought remarkable photothermic effect to the MNs, enabled the device to release a controlled drug under near-infrared region II (NIR-II) laser irradiation. With the aid of NIR-II laser, the baicalin-mediated treatment of psoriasis was significant improved by expediting radical scavenging and suppressing inflammation. The design of baicalin MNs provided a new idea for the treatment of chronic disease. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
PMID:38593288 | DOI:10.1002/marc.202400136