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Clinical characteristics of patients with a family history of psoriasis: an observational epidemiological study in Chinese Han population

Front Med (Lausanne). 2024 Aug 16;11:1455953. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2024.1455953. eCollection 2024.


INTRODUCTION: Psoriasis, a chronic inflammatory skin disease, is believed to be influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Despite this understanding, the clinical epidemiological status of psoriasis patients with a family history of the disease remains uncertain.

METHODS: In this study, we participated in a multicenter observational epidemiological study involved over 1,000 hospitals and enrolled a total of 5,927 psoriasis patients. These patients were categorized into two groups based on the presence or absence of a family history of psoriasis: family history cases (896) and sporadic cases (5,031). The clinical manifestations of these two groups were analyzed through clinical classification, comorbidities, treatment response, and other relevant factors.

RESULTS: The findings of our study indicate that individuals with a family history of psoriasis predisposition exhibit a notably elevated prevalence of psoriatic arthritis compared to those with sporadic occurrences. Moreover, patients with a family history of psoriasis display a more rapid and efficacious response to secukinumab. Additionally, individuals with moderate to severe psoriasis are at a heightened risk of developing cardiovascular and liver diseases in comparison to those with mild psoriasis, with no discernible impact of familial history on the likelihood of comorbidities.

DISCUSSION: Our study identified the clinical characteristics of individuals with a familial predisposition to psoriasis, offering novel insights into the management and therapeutic approaches for patients with this condition.

PMID:39219794 | PMC:PMC11362089 | DOI:10.3389/fmed.2024.1455953

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