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Dose escalation of biologic treatment in patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis in Japan

Exp Dermatol. 2024 May;33(5):e15067. doi: 10.1111/exd.15067.


Patients receiving interleukin (IL)-inhibiting biologics for moderate-to-severe psoriasis (PsO) may be treated with escalated doses to optimize outcomes. This study evaluated escalation prevalence in a Japanese claims analysis of patients with PsO diagnosis preceding IL-inhibiting biologic treatment and ≥1 post-induction maintenance claim (index date) with sufficient data availability from January 2014 to May 2022. Patients with non-persistence were excluded. Expected daily dose (EDD) was calculated as the recommended maintenance dose divided by the treatment interval. Dose escalation was defined as ≥2 claims showing a ≥20% increase in the observed average daily dose (ADD) over the EDD (with sensitivities requiring ≥1 claim and ≥30%). Significant differences were tested using multivariable regressions. The study included 982 unique patients treated with brodalumab (BRO; n = 104), guselkumab (GUS; n = 207), ixekizumab (IXE; n = 159), risankizumab (RIS; n = 135), secukinumab (SEC; n = 215) and ustekinumab (UST; n = 196). Within 12 months, dose escalation was observed for all IL-inhibiting biologics other than GUS and RIS: 44.4% for UST, 37.2% for IXE, 3.4% for SEC and 1.4% for BRO. In multivariable-adjusted analyses, odds of dose escalation were significantly lower for all products relative to UST. In sensitivities, escalation was observed for all products except RIS.

PMID:38757460 | DOI:10.1111/exd.15067

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