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Efficacy of tildrakizumab 200 mg for treating difficult-to-treat patient populations with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis

Dermatol Reports. 2025 Feb 6;17(1). doi: 10.4081/dr.2024.9999. Epub 2024 Aug 9.


Psoriasis is an inflammatory chronic disease of the skin, typically located on the extensor surfaces of the body and the trunk. Patients with psoriasis can often present multiple characteristics, such as lesions located in difficult-to-treat (DTT) areas or high severity of the disease, which can negatively affect their quality of life. There is a lack of consensus in identifying the best therapy for these complex patient populations, especially after the failure of one or multiple lines of therapy. In this regard, we report a case series describing patients with psoriasis located in different DTT areas or presenting a high Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) score at baseline and treated ineffectively with prior lines of therapy. Finally, patients achieved complete remission following therapy with tildrakizumab 200 mg (anti-IL-23p19), highlighting its potential efficacy in these patient populations.

PMID:40047295 | DOI:10.4081/dr.2024.9999

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