J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2024 Oct;17(10):63-67.
OBJECTIVE: Tildrakizumab, an anti-interleukin-23 p19 monoclonal antibody, is approved for the treatment of adults with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis. Limited evidence is available regarding the effects of tildrakizumab on patient-reported symptoms and satisfaction. This report describes the secondary endpoints of patient-reported symptoms and treatment satisfaction over 64 weeks in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis treated with tildrakizumab in a Phase IV, real-world study.
METHODS: In this uncontrolled, open-label study (NCT03718299), patients received tildrakizumab 100 mg at baseline, Week (W)4, and every 12 weeks thereafter to W52, with the final assessment at W64. Patient-reported secondary endpoints included numerical rating scale (NRS) scores for itch, pain, and scaling, and treatment satisfaction measured by 3 rating scales (Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire for Medication [TSQM], Tildrakizumab Overall Satisfaction, and Patient Happiness with Psoriasis Control instrument) through W64.
RESULTS: Of the 55 patients enrolled, 45 were assessed at W64. Mean NRS scores for itch, pain, and scaling all decreased from baseline beginning as early as W4 with maintenance through W64 (P≤0.001). Treatment satisfaction was positive throughout treatment based on all 3 measures. Mean±SD TSQM domain scores increased from 59.5±17.0 at W4 to 79.5±20.1 at W64 for Effectiveness and from 72.7±18.6 to 81.9±20.5 for Global Satisfaction.
LIMITATIONS: The study is small and lacks a comparator arm.
CONCLUSION: Tildrakizumab treatment improved patient-reported symptoms in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis in a real-world setting and was associated with high levels of treatment satisfaction over 64 weeks.
PMID:39445319 | PMC:PMC11495160