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Introducing the Bender Sign for the Diagnosis of Intergluteal Cleft Skin Disorders

Clin Dermatol. 2024 Aug 31:S0738-081X(24)00150-0. doi: 10.1016/j.clindermatol.2024.08.010. Online ahead of print.


Dr. Benjamin Bender (1908-1996) was a longtime Clinical Professor of Dermatology at the State University of New York Downstate College of Medicine. Some 45 years ago, he coined the eponym Bender sign, which describes the discovery of cutaneous diseases that involve the gluteal cleft by having patients bend over and then manually separating the buttocks. Bender's eponym was created as a humorous pun involving his name "Bender" with the "bending" of the patient. This contribution formally introduces this delightful eponym into the dermatology literature and highly recommends its adoption as a teaching tool to remind students of the importance of examining the intergluteal cleft area, which can often harbor a variety of skin disorders, such as psoriasis. A second Bender sign, referred to as Bender sign #2, is also presented, which describes the sparing of the nose when the face is rubbed and inflamed from neurodermatitis. This contribution pays tribute to Dr. Benjamin Bender who his students beloved as a master teacher of dermatology.

PMID:39222673 | DOI:10.1016/j.clindermatol.2024.08.010

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