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Long-term therapy with itolizumab is safe and effective for patients with moderate to severe psoriasis: Results from an expanded-access program

Int Immunopharmacol. 2024 May 16;134:112225. doi: 10.1016/j.intimp.2024.112225. Online ahead of print.


Itolizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody that selectively targets the CD6-ALCAM pathway. This article reports on the safety and efficacy of itolizumab in the treatment of moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis in a clinical study conducted in Cuba in the setting of an expanded-access program (EAP). The study included 84 patients who had previously received conventional anti-psoriatic systemic therapies but were either intolerant, had an inadequate response, or had contraindications to these therapies. It consisted of multiple phases, including a 12-week induction phase, a 40-week maintenance phase, and a 24-week off-treatment follow-up phase, using either a 0.4 or 1.6 mg/Kg dose. The results showed that itolizumab monotherapy was safe and effective during 52 weeks of continuous treatment and the subsequent 24 follow-up weeks. Itolizumab treatment resulted in a significant improvement (PASI 75) in 80 % of patients at the end of the induction phase, and this effect was sustained till week 52 during the maintenance phase. Moreover, 24 weeks after treatment stopped nearly two-thirds of patients still showed a PASI ≥ 75. The observed effects were dose-dependent, with 1.6 mg/kg being the most convenient dose. This study further supports the strategy of targeting the CD6-ALCAM signaling pathway for the treatment of psoriasis and the use of itolizumab as a valuable asset in the armamentarium of anti-psoriasis drugs.

PMID:38759368 | DOI:10.1016/j.intimp.2024.112225

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