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Reflectance confocal microscopy for plaque psoriasis therapeutic follow-up during an anti-interleukin-17A monoclonal antibody: an observational study

Sci Rep. 2024 Jul 2;14(1):15121. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-65902-8.


Interleukin-17A therapeutic inhibitors are among the most effective treatment methods for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis (PP). Reflectance confocal microscopy is a non-invasive imaging technique already documented to be beneficial in evaluating the follow-up of PP under treatment with topical actives and phototherapy. This study aimed to assess the epidermal and dermal changes associated with psoriasis and its treatment with RCM during systemic secukinumab treatment in patients with moderate-to-severe PP. A pilot study was conducted to evaluate RCM as a non-invasive tool for monitoring secukinumab treatment in patients with PP. For patients receiving secukinumab treatment, lesional skin was selected for RCM imaging, which were recorded at all scheduled times. The RCM evaluation criteria were established based on the histopathological diagnostic criteria for psoriasis. The clinical severity of psoriasis was assessed utilizing the psoriasis area severity index. A total of 23 patients with PP were included in the study. Each patient received 300 mg of subcutaneous secukinumab as induction therapy at baseline and weeks 1-4, followed by maintenance therapy every four weeks. Microscopic confocal changes were observed during the treatment. The results identified early microscopic evidence of the anti-inflammatory activity of secukinumab, which was not detected during the clinical examination. RCM findings correlating with the PASI were used to observe the patient's response to treatment and were identified as follows: acanthosis and parakeratosis, presence of epidermal and dermal inflammatory cells, presence of non-edge dermal papillae, and vascularization in the papillary dermis. This study is the first to demonstrate the use of RCM as an effective tool for non-invasive monitoring of secukinumab therapeutic response at a cellular level in a clinical or research setting. Early detection of RCM parameters associated with secukinumab activity may facilitate the identification of an early treatment response. RCM appears to be capable of providing practical and helpful information regarding follow-up in patients with PP undergoing secukinumab treatment. RCM may also provide novel perspectives on the subclinical evaluation of PP's response to biological therapy.

PMID:38956402 | PMC:PMC11219718 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-024-65902-8

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