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Selection processes, transportability, and failure time analysis in life history studies

Biostatistics. 2024 Oct 27:kxae039. doi: 10.1093/biostatistics/kxae039. Online ahead of print.


In life history analysis of data from cohort studies, it is important to address the process by which participants are identified and selected. Many health studies select or enrol individuals based on whether they have experienced certain health related events, for example, disease diagnosis or some complication from disease. Standard methods of analysis rely on assumptions concerning the independence of selection and a person's prospective life history process, given their prior history. Violations of such assumptions are common, however, and can bias estimation of process features. This has implications for the internal and external validity of cohort studies, and for the transportabilty of results to a population. In this paper, we study failure time analysis by proposing a joint model for the cohort selection process and the failure process of interest. This allows us to address both independence assumptions and the transportability of study results. It is shown that transportability cannot be guaranteed in the absence of auxiliary information on the population. Conditions that produce dependent selection and types of auxiliary data are discussed and illustrated in numerical studies. The proposed framework is applied to a study of the risk of psoriatic arthritis in persons with psoriasis.

PMID:39462279 | DOI:10.1093/biostatistics/kxae039

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