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State-of-the-Art in Skin Fluorescent Photography for Cosmetic and Skincare Research: From Molecular Spectra to AI Image Analysis

Life (Basel). 2024 Oct 6;14(10):1271. doi: 10.3390/life14101271.


Autofluorescence is a remarkable property of human skin. It can be excited by UV and observed in the dark using special detection systems. The method of fluorescence photography (FP) is an effective non-invasive tool for skin assessment. It involves image capturing by a camera the emission of light quanta from fluorophore molecules in the skin. It serves as a useful tool for cosmetic and skincare research, especially for the detection of pathological skin states, like acne, psoriasis, etc. To the best of our knowledge, there is currently no comprehensive review that fully describes the application and physical principles of FP over the past five years. The current review covers various aspects of the skin FP method from its biophysical basis and the main fluorescent molecules of the skin to its potential applications and the principles of FP recording and analysis. We pay particular attention to recently reported works on the automatic analysis of FP based on artificial intelligence (AI). Thus, we argue that FP is a rapidly evolving technology with a wide range of potential applications. We propose potential directions of the development of this method, including new AI algorithms for the analysis and expanding the range of applications.

PMID:39459571 | PMC:PMC11509763 | DOI:10.3390/life14101271

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